What focusing screens are available for the FM2N and FM3A?

What focusing screens are available for the FM2N and FM3A?

The screens available for the FM2N are the K2, B2, and E2. The K2 screen has split-image and microprism focusing aids and is useful for general photography. The B2 screen is useful in close-up and duplication work. The E2 has horizontal and vertical grid lines that are useful for architectural shooting and as compositional tools. The B2 and E2 screens do not have focusing aids.

The FM3A accepts the K3, B3, and E3 screens, which are similar to the K2/B2/E2 screens above but have a smoother matte surface that appears much less "grainy" when using slow lenses or the camera's depth-of-field preview function.

The K2/B2/E2 and K3/B3/E3 screens can be used in the FM2N and FM3A interchangeably and are also compatible with the FE2, FM2, FE, and FA cameras.

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