Batteries for F3, F2, FM/FE/FG-series, EM, FA

Batteries for F3, F2, FM/FE/FG-series, EM, FA

These cameras require a pair of 1.5-volt silver-oxide "button" batteries such as the Duracell MS76, Eveready EPX76, Kodak KS76, etc. A single 3-volt lithium battery such as the Duracell DL1/3N, Eveready 2L76, or Kodak K58L can be substituted for the two silver-oxide cells. These batteries are widely available from camera stores and electronics stores.

Please note the F2 requires batteries only if it is fitted with one of its metering viewfinders (F2 Photomic, F2S, F2SB, F2A, F2AS).

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